Built Environment and Health Research Group

The Built Environment and Health (BEH) is an interdisciplinary research group, led by Dr. Insung Kang, in the Department of Civil Engineering at The University of Texas at Arlington. If you are interested in (1) working with, (2) sponsoring, or (3) learning more about the BEH lab, don’t hesitate to contact us. We always seek motivated students interested in architectural engineering, environmental engineering and science, electrical engineering, computer science, or architecture to work in the group.

Buildings have a significant impact on energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and waste production, but they also touch all aspects of our daily lives and represent the environments where people spend the majority of their time and are most exposed to a variety of pollutants from both indoor and outdoor sources.

BEH is dedicated to advancing energy, environmental, and health research, with a focus on a sustainable and healthy built environment. We leverage engineering and science principles to be assimilated into building design and system operations to improve energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and human health.